4.2.29 Poecilia sphenobs

4.2.29 Poecilia sphenobs

Family: Poecillidae

Genus: Poecillia

English name: Pointed mouth Molly and Short-finned Molly

Origin: North and South America from Texas to Colombia

Size: Males to 8 cm females to 12 cm

Habitat: Found in fresh and brackish water

Shape, coloring and markings:

The body closely resembles that of related species but the dorsal fin is significantly smaller and the mouth slightly more pointed. There are many varieties of this fish known to aquarists including both a black spotted variety and the completely black variety called the Black Molly. Many of these varieties have a color pattern that is very different from that of the fish in the wild, where the upper half of the body is a grayish blue, the flanks are a vivid bluish green with rows of blue or green iridescent spots and the whole body has a viole sheen, The lower half of the body is a light pale blue to salmon. The dorsal fin is colorless but carries a profusion of dark dots: the caudal fin has a blue base, an orange band in the center and a black border.

Females are dull blue, with rows of brownish red dots: the fins are colorless.

Males are as described above.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:49 AM