4.2.23 Colisa fasciata

4.2.23 Colisa fasciata

Family: Anabantidae

Genus: Colisa

English name: Giant Gourami, Striped Gourami, Banded Gourami

Origin: The Indian sub-continent, Burma, Thailand, Malaya

Size: Maximum 10 cm

Habitat: Found in still, shaded waters.

Shape, coloring and markings:

The body shape and fin formation are identical to those of C.chuna  but the caudal fin is more forked. The basic coloration is red brown. Transverse blue-green iridescent bands lie on the body. The iris is red. The ventral fins are reddish orange: the tapering dorsal fin has a fine blue-green patterning and re-brown transverse bands. The anal fin is blue with an orange border: the caudal fin is transparent, red-brown with a pattern of dark spots.

Females are less vividly colored: the dorsal and anal fins are more rounded.

Males are as described above.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:47 AM