4.2.14 Cichlasoma meeki

4.2.14 Cichlasoma meeki

Family: Cichlidae

Genus: Chichlasoma

English name: Fire-mouth Cichlid

Origin: Central America, Giatemala, Yucatan.

Size: Maximum 15 cm in the wild but remains considerably smaller in captivity.

Habitat: Found in shaded waters.

Shape, coloring and markings:

The body is elongated, fairly deep and laterally compressed. The basic coloration is a violet grey: the back is darker: the belly lighter: the throat and front of the belly are deep red. A number of dark vertical bands lie on the body and vary in intensity according to the mood of the fish. A prominent irregular deep black mark edged with gold lies on the gill covers and a smaller black mark lies just behind them. A black stripe runs from the gill covers to the caudal peduncle where it ends in a dark patch surrounded by a zone of gold. The fins are wine red with light green edges.

Females are usually smaller and less vividly colored, with less pointed dorsal and anal fins. During the spawning season the belly may become off-white.

Males are as described above.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:40 AM