4.2.18 Betta splendensettam splendens

4.2.18 Betta splendensettam splendens

Family: Anabantidae

Genus: Betta

English name: Siamese Fighting Fish

Origin: The Far East; Malaya and Thailand

Size: Approximate 6 cm

Habitat: Found in many different kinds of waters.

Shape, coloring and markings:

The body is elongated and laterally only slightly compressed. The coloring and markings vary according to the locality of origin. Some specimens are a beautiful reddish brown with a bluish green iridescent tinge: all the scales have a decorative, green, or sometimes blue or red, metallic shiny dot. The large dorsal fin is set quite far back, and is a reddish brown with green iridescent stripes and dark marks. The round caudal fin is the same basic color, with similar green stripes and often has an orange edge. The long anal fin is bluish green with brown and red marks: the long ventral fins are orangey red with milky white tips.

Females are a yellowish brown, with barely visible transgresses bands. The ventral fins are short.

Male are as described above.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:46 AM