4.2.8 Cheirodon Innesi

4.2.8 Cheirodon Innesi

Family: Characidae

Genus: Cheirodon

English name: Neon Tetra

Origin: The Amazon and the basin of the Negro river.

Size: Approximately 4.5 cm

Habitat: Found in small jungle rivulets and pools, with soft water   

Shape, coloring and markings:

The body is fairly deep and laterally slightly compressed. C.innesi  at first sight closely resembles C.axelrodi. The back is brownish-yellow: the belly yellow–white. An attractive blue-green iridescent stripe runs back from the top of the eye up to or beyond the adipose fin: below this stripe lies an attractive area of red, starting at the level of the middle rays of the dorsal fin. The fins are colorless and transparent. The anterior rays of the dorsal and anal fins are milk white. The iris has an iridescent blue-green shade, with a number of glistening spots in the upper half.

Females are rather more robust than males with more rounded bellies.

Males are slimmer with flattened bellies.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:38 AM