4.2.9 Cheirodon axelrodi

4.2.9 Cheirodon axdelrodi

Family: Characidae

Genus: Cheirodon

English name: Cardinal Tetra

Origin: The Amazon, the basin of the Negro river.

Size: Approximately 5 cm

Habitat: Found in small rivulets and pools in the jungle, most of which are characterized by soft water.

Shape, coloring and markings:

The body is fairly deep the laterally slightly compressed. At first sight this species closely resembles Cheirodon innesi, but C.axelrodi is less robust and has a more striking color pattern. The back is brownish or red: the lower part of the body is a deep red, except for a small area round the belly. There is an attractive blue-green iridescent stripe running from the eye as far back as, or beyond the adipose fin. The fins are colorless and transparent: the dorsal and anal fins have a narrow white border along the front. The iris has an impressive blue iridescence.

Females, when adult, are rather more robust.

Males are slimmer and usually smaller.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:38 AM