4.2.27 Xiphophorus maculatus

4.2.27 Xiphophorus maculatus

Family: poecillidae

Genus: xiphoporus

English name: Platy, Moonfish, Southern Platyfish

Origin: The Atlantic slopes of Central America

Size: Males to 3.5 cm: females to 6 cm

Habitat: Found mainly in ponds, swamps and pools but also in some sluggish waters.

Shape, coloring and markings:

The body is fairly deep and broad. There is no hook on the genopodium. There is no sword and the dorsal fin is rounded. The basic coloration is yellowish to olive brown, with one or two small spots on the caudal peduncle which, when developed form the basis for the various patterns discussed below. There are usually two to five indistinct transverse and caudal fins are colorless. The caudal fin has a blue or greenish border

Females have no transverse bars across the body

Females have no transverse bars across the body

Males are as described above.

Last modified: Friday, 29 June 2012, 10:48 AM