Course Overview |
Syllabus |
Topic 1 |
Source of food animals |
Meat consumption habits in different regions of the world |
Classification of Food Animals |
Description of food animals |
Exotic breeds of food animals |
Indian breeds of food animals |
Meat hygiene |
Duties and Responsibilites of the Meat Hygienist |
Coverage of meat hygiene programme |
Elements of Meat Hygiene |
Topic 2 |
Definition |
Existing conditions |
Attitude and outlook of butchers, etc |
Steps to improve the abattoirs |
Usefulness of public slaughterhouses |
Steps in planning an abattoir |
Location |
Environmental Assessment (EA) |
Environmental statement (ES) |
Submission of plans |
Selection of site |
Area size |
Facilities Required |
Water |
Electricity |
Drainage |
Lighting |
Ventilation |
Floor and wall finishes |
Doors |
Equipment design |
Pest control |
Small Abattoir Units |
Buildings and their Dispositions |
Lairage |
Cattle lairage |
Sheep and Goat lairage |
Pig lairage |
Weighment room |
Washing of livestock |
Manure disposal |
Slaughter Hall |
Stunning Area |
Bleeding Area |
Dressing area |
Sheep Slaughter hall |
Pig Slaughter hall |
Topic 3 |
Scalding |
Cooling Hall |
Hide and Skin Store |
Manure house |
Detained meat room |
Condemned Meat room |
Facilities for Personnel |
Veterinary Office, Office accommodation, Superintendent’s Office and Veterinary Laboratory |
Accessory Department |
Gut and Tripe Room |
Red Offal Room and Edible Fat Room |
Cutting Rooms |
Inedible Area, Equipment Wash and Digester Room |
Fresh Meat Dispatch Area and Residential Quarters |
Isolation Block |
Disposition of the buildings |
Equipment used in abattoir |
Management and Practices in Abattoir |
Hygienic Aspects of Abattoir Operation |
Building |
Sanitation |
Bacteriological Aspects Of Plant Sanitation |
Cleaning Operation |
Procedure and requirements for Cleansing Operation |
Automated Cleansing Systems |
Employees |
Abattoir Effluent Treatment |
Operations in Slaughter house |
Topic 4 |
Introduction |
Scope |
Location |
Layout plan |
Units of an abattoir |
Reception area |
Lairages |
Slaughter halls |
Ancillary accomodation |
Rails for carcasses |
Civil construction |
Lighting and Ventillation |
Water supply |
Equipment construction |
Installation |
Plant waste water disposal |
Safety requirement |
Topic 5 |
Pre-slaughter care of food animals |
Watering |
Feeding |
Fasting |
Transport of food animals |
Driving on foot |
Maximum distances for Trekking |
Distance, time, rest interval and temperature restrictions during transport |
Transport by foot |
Road Transport |
Floor space requirement for sheep in Truck |
Rail transport |
Boat or Ship |
Affections induced by transport |
Rest after transport |
Floor space for transporting different classes of animals |
Effects of Transport |
Conditions that defers transportation of animals |
Topic 6 |
Historical Approach of Meat Inspection |
Objectives of Meat Inspection |
Necessity for Regulations |
Ante-mortem Inspection of Food Animals |
Reasons for conducting ante-mortem |
Inspection Facilities |
Ante-mortem Inspection Procedure |
Moribund Cases & Condemned Cases |
Significance of Ante-mortem inspection |
Post-mortem Inspection |
Facilities for Post-Mortem Inspection |
Routine Post-Mortem Inspection of Bovines - Organs |
Routine Post-Mortem Inspection of Bovines - Carcass and Organs |
Post-Mortem Inspection of Calves, Sheep and Goats and Pigs |
Carcass Identification |
Carcass Examination |
Topic 7 |
Introduction |
I. Stunning Before Slaughter – Humane Method |
A. Stunning Instruments using Free Bullets |
Instructions for using Greener's Humane Cattle Killer |
Description of the Greener Cattle Killers |
B. Stunning Instruments with Captive Bolt arrangement. |
The contact-firing types of captive bolt pistol |
Other Captive bolt pistols |
Points / Sites for Percussive Stunning |
2) Stunning By Means of Gas |
Types of Gas Stunning Apparatus |
Advantages and Disadvantages |
3) Stunning by Means of Electricity |
Desiderata necessary for the production of genuine anaesthesia |
Advantages of electrical stunning |
Electrical stunning of cattle and sheep |
Different equipments used in elecrtrical stunning |
Different types of electrical stunning systems |
4. Stunning by Using Mechanical Devices |
Typical Signs of Unconsciousness due to stunning |
II. Ritual Methods of Slaughter |
1. Jewish method |
2. Halal or Muslim Method of Slaughter |
Slaughter and Dressing of Cattle |
Slaughter and Dressing of Pigs |
Back fat thickness |
Styles of dressing and yield |
Slaughter and Dressing of Sheep and Goats |
Slaughter and dressing of Poultry |
Methods of Dressing |
Advantages and Disadvantages |
New method of dressing |
Topic 8 |
General information |
Importance of grading |
Grading of Cattle |
Quality Grading of Cattle |
Suggested Scale of Points for Judging Beef Animals |
Different Grades of Cattle |
Grading of Veal and Calf |
Grading of Sheep |
Grading of Hogs |
BIS grades for beef and buffalo carcasses |
Beef carcass judging |
Grading of poultry carcasses |
BIS Grades for sheep and goat carcasses |
Judging of mutton carcass |
Grades for barrow, gilt and sow carcasses |
Fabrication of carcasses |
Fabrication of beef carcasses |
Fabrication of pork carcasses |
Fabrication of lamb carcasses |
Fabrication of rabbit carcasses |
Fabrication of chicken carcasses |
Topic 9 |
Introduction, definitions and classification |
Importance and Benefits |
Plan and Layout of Byproducts Utilization Plant |
Blood |
Average yield of blood/animal |
Uses |
Processing and Preparation of Blood Meal |
Principles in Manufacture of Blood Meal |
Large Scale Processing |
Different Methods of Processing |
Plasma and Serum |
Fibrin and its Products |
Foam compounds |
Organic Fertilizer |
Bones |
Various methods of treating bones |
Sources of bones |
By-products of bones |
Preparation of Bones from Abattoirs |
Selection of bones |
Manufacture of Gelatine and Glue |
Flow Diagram for the Preparation of Gelatine |
Genreral information and uses of gelatine |
Bone Meal |
Flow Diagram for the Preparation of Bone Meal |
Topic 10 |
Intestines - Casings |
Natural Casings |
Examples of natural casings |
The commercial terms under which casings are sold |
Intestinal Structure |
Preparation of Casings |
Casing Recovery |
Approximate length of casings from animals |
Basic Requirements for Gut Processing |
Small Processing Units |
Large Processing Units |
The Steps in Preparation of Casings |
Defects in Indian Casings |
Grading of Animal Casings |
Prime Quality (PQ) |
Artificial, Synthetic, Dry or Cellulose Casings |
Cellulose Casings |
Fibrous Casings |
Natural vs Cellulose Casings |
Reconstituted Collagen Casings |
Utilisation of meat,offal and organs |
Small–Scale Meat Meal Manufacture |
Boiling and Draining |
Pressing, Drying and Milling |
Meat fats |
Uses of fat |
Some location of fats |
Rendering of fat |
Topic 11 |
Horns and Hoofs |
Glands |
Scope for Utilisation of Glands in India |
Collection of Glands |
Preservation of Glands |
Names of important glands and their biochemicals |
Supra renal, Thyroid, Pituitory Glands, etc |
Ovaries, Testes, Stomach Glands and Gall Bladder |
Bile production |
Flow Chart for insulin prodcution |
Flow Chart for Heparin Preparation |
Flow Chart for Preparation of Liver Extract |
Some Extract from Glands |
Future Scope |
Minor By–products - Neats Foot Oil |
Ruminal Content |
Methane Gas, Cattle Lick and Bone Ash or Calcide Bones |
Glue Stock |
Preparation of Acetone Dried Powder of Gland |
General Information |
Topic 12 |
Terminologies |
Classification and Grading of Hides and Skins |
Leather Industry in India |
Structure, Properties and Utilities of Hides and Skins |
Flaying |
Flaying of Buffalos and Cattle |
Case-on Flaying of Sheep and Goat Skins |
Defects of Hides and Skins |
Defects Due to Faulty Handling |
Preservation of Skins |
Methods of Preservation |
Air-drying |
Hide Curing |
Conditioning of Hides and Skins |
Tanning |
Vegetable Tanning |
Chrome tanning |
Topic 13 |
Introduction |
Methods of Disposal of Carcasses |
Transportation of Dead or Fallen animals |
Utilizing Abattoir Offal and Condemned Meat |
The disadvantages of processing |
Topic 14 |
Introduction |
Meat inspection and meat hygiene for wholesome meat production |
HACCP concept to identify the critical control points |
The critical control points during the slaughter of food animals and birds |
Topic 15 |
Wool |
Structure of Wool |
Indian Wool |
Quality Characteristics of Wool |
Some characteristics of main types of wool |
Defects in wool |
Classification of wool |
Shearing and pulling |
Post Harvest Handling |
Quality Control of Carpet Wool |
Grading of Wool |
Bristles |
Characteristics |
Classes of Bristles |
Post Harvest Handling of Bristles |
Packing |
Quality Control of Bristles |
Grading of Bristles |
Topic 16 |
Stunning of Food Animals |
Mechanical Stunning |
Instruments discharging Free Bullets |
Greener’s Humane Cattle Killer |
Greener’s Humane Horse Killer |
Swedish Killer |
Spragg Pistol |
RSPCA Humane Killer |
The Large Humane Killer |
Instruments with Captive Bolt Arrangement |
Cash Captive Bolt Pistol |
Temple Cox Universal Pistol |
Convoy Captive Bolt Pistol |
Contact-firing-type Captive Bolt Pistol |
Pneumatic Stunners |
Non-penetrative Percussion Stunners |
Points of Stunning Using Mechanical Instruments |
Gas Stunning |
The Oval Tunnel (Combi) System |
The Dip Lift System |
The Compact Carbon-di-oxide Immobiliser |
Advantages |
Disadvantages |
Electrical Stunning |
Different Types of Electrical Stunning Systems |
Disadvantages |
Types of Instruments |
Assessment of Unconsciousness at Slaughter |
Percussion Stunning (Mechanical Stunning) |
Gas stunning |
Electrical Stunning |
Opisthotonus |
Topic 17 |
Different Methods of Ritual Slaughter |
Jewish Method |
Halal or Muslim Method of Slaughter |
Topic 18 |
Equipment |
Steps in Slaughter and Dressing of Cattle |
Holding |
Stunning |
Sticking |
Flaying |
Heading |
Shanking or legging |
Siding |
Opening |
Rumping |
Evisceration |
Backing |
Halving |
Washing |
Shrouding |
Tagging and Chilling |
Remarks |
Topic 19 |
Steps in slaughter and dressing of Sheep and Goats |
Procedure |
Stunning |
Sticking |
Pelting |
Fisting |
Evisceration |
Washing |
Inspection |
Weighing and Dispatch |
Topic 20 |
Steps in Slaughter and Dressing of Pigs |
Equipment |
Procedure |
Holding |
Stunning |
Sticking and Bleeding |
Scalding |
Dehairing |
Singeing |
Evisceration |
Halving the Carcass |
Washing |
Inspection |
Measurement of Back Fat Thickness |
Weighing and Chilling |
Dispatch |
Topic 21 |
Introduction |
Operational efficiency |
Grading of cattle on foot |
BIS grades for buffalo and beef carcasses |
Beef carcass judging |
Topic 22 |
Grading of sheep on foot |
BIS grades for sheep and goat carcasses |
Judging of mutton carcass |
Topic 23 |
Grading of pigs on foot |
Weights and measurement guides and grades for barrow, gilt and sow carcasses |
Pork carcass judging |
Topic 24 |
Carcass Yield or Dressing Percentage of Food Animals |
Topic 25 |
General information |
Wet rendering |
Dry rendering |
Continuous low temperature rendering system |
Main by-products obtained by rendering |
Stomach and intestine |
Edible and inedible blood |
Bones |
Hooves and horns |
Neats foot oil |
Topic 26 |
wool |
Wool sampling techniques |
Determination of fleece density |
Determination of fibre diameter |
Determination of staple length |
Determination of crimp and medullation percentage |
Determination of scouring/clean fleece yield |
Topic 27 |
Suggested Reading |
Acknowledgement |