Topic Name Description
Topic 1 Page Introduction
Page Meaning
Page Definition
Page Importance Of Landscape Gardening
Page Landscape Architecture As A Profession
Page References
Topic 2 Page Introduction
Page The Salient Features Of Gardening In India
Page Aryan’s Period
Page Buddhist Period
Page Kanishka And Gupta Period
Page Mughal Period
Page Rajput King Period
Page Britishers Period
Page Post Independence Period
Page References
Topic 3 Page Introduction
Page Features Of Famous Botanical And Pleasure Gardens Of India
Page Lalbagh, Bangalore (Karnataka)
Page Brindavan Gardens, Mysore
Page Government Botanical Gardens, Ootacamund
Page Sim’s Park, Connor, Tamil Nadu
Page Botanical Garden, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu
Page The Byrant Park, Kodikanal, Tamil Nadu
Page The Indian Botanical Garden, Sibur, Calcutta (West Bengal)
Page The Agri-Horticultural Society Gardens, Calcutta (West Bengal)
Page Lloyd Botanical Garden, Dargeeling (West Bengal)
Page National Botanical research Institute , Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh)
Page Horticultural Research Institutes, Saharanpur (Uttar Pradesh)
Page Rashtrapati Bhavan Garden, New Delhi
Page Buddha Jayanti Park, New Delhi
Page Japenese Style Gardens, New Delhi
Page The Mughal Gardens Of Kashmir
Page Shalimar Garden
Page Nishat Bagh
Page The Mughal Garden, Pinjore (Harayana)
Page Chandigarh Rose Garden, Chandigarh
Page Mandor Garden, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
Page Sayaji Park, Baroda (Gujarat)
Page References
Topic 4 Page Introduction
Page Trees
Page Palms
Page Cycaslinn
Page Bamboo
Page Conifers
Page Shrubs
Page Climbers
Page Lawn
Page Ground covers
Page Ferns
Page Herbaceous perennials
Page Bulbous plants
Page Cacti
Page Succulents
Page Annuals
Page Biennials
Page Orchids
Page Aquatic plants
Page References
Topic 5 Page Introduction
Page Art elements
Page Line
Page Colour
Page Form
Page Texture
Page Space
Page Light and shade
Page Plant material as design elements
Page Colour
Page Texture
Page Form
Page Line
Page Principles of Design
Page Scale and Proportion
Page Unity or Harmony
Page Balance
Page Rhythm
Page Repetition of shapes
Page Progression of sizes
Page Continuous line movement
Page Emphasis
Page Characteristics of an ideal landscape composition
Page References
Topic 6 Page Introduction
Page Formal garden style
Page Informal garden style
Page Landscape Garden Style
Page Free Style Garden Design
Page Wild Style Garden Design
Page References
Topic 7 Page Introduction
Page Persian gardens
Page Italian gardens
Page Roman gardens
Page French gardens
Page Egyptian gardens
Page Chinese gardens
Page Hindu-Buddhist gardens
Page Spanish gardens
Page English gardens
Page Dutch gardens
Page Mughal gardens
Page Japanese gardens
Page Babylonian gardens
Page References
Topic 8 Page Introduction
Page Residential garden
Page Different Areas of Residential Garden
Page Principles of Residential Garden Design
Page Institutional garden
Page Landscape for educational institutions
Page Landscaping in public transport places
Page Parks
Page Children garden
Page Industrial garden
Page Landscape in the place of worship
Page Colonies for residential purpose
Page Avenue landscaping
Page References
Topic 9 Page Introduction
Page Importance of indoor gardening
Page Selection of house plant
Page Principles of placing house plants
Page Environment for house plants
Page Light
Page Temperature
Page Humidity
Page Pots, containers and potting media
Page Potting Media
Page Modes of indoor gardening
Page Window Boxes
Page Planters for indoor plants
Page Trough Gardening
Page Bowls and dishes
Page Tray garden
Page Jar garden
Page Bottle garden
Page Terrarium
Page Care and maintenance of indoor plants
Page Bonsai
Page The basic principles in bonsai culture
Page Characteristics of an ideal bonsai plant
Page Styles of Bonsai
Page Developing Bonsai
Page Containers for Bonsai
Page Care and maintenance
Page References
Topic 10 Page Introduction
Page Garden enclosures
Page Garden Walls
Page Fencing
Page Hedges
Page Garden steps, walks, patio paving, drives, and paths
Page Garden Steps
Page Walks
Page Patio paving
Page Garden drives and paths
Page Edges
Page Arches
Page Pergolas
Page Screens
Page Bridges
Page Lawn
Page Carpet bedding
Page Flower beds
Page Shrubbery
Page Herbaceous border
Page Frontage
Page Ground covers
Page Topiary
Page References
Topic 11 Page Introduction
Page Stone Lantern
Page Stone Basin
Page Statues
Page Wells
Page Outdoor garden rooms
Page Garden furniture
Page Ornamental Tubs, Urn and Vases
Page Bird baths
Page Sundials
Page Floral clocks
Page Plant stands
Page Light and sound effects
Page Garden structures
Page Conservatory
Page References
Topic 12 Page Introduction
Page Water
Page Garden Pool
Page Swimming Pool
Page Stream
Page Waterfall
Page Island
Page Fountain
Page Rocks
Page References
Topic 13 Page Introduction
Page Depth of the soil
Page Soil texture
Page Clay soil
Page Sand soil
Page Loam soi
Page Soil amendments
Page Soil drainage
Page Soil air and Soil Temperature
Page Chemical composition
Page Soil pH
Page Soil water
Page Soil nutrients
Page Soil management and conservation practices
Page Soil conservation techniques
Page Manure, compost and fertilizers
Page References
Topic 14 Page Water
Page Water supply
Page Water requirement of plants
Page Mulching
Page Irrigation systems
Page Water drainage
Page Drainage methods
Page Climate
Page Temperature
Page Light
Page References
Topic 15 Page Introduction
Page Water Garden
Page Construction of Water Garden
Page Testing
Page Planting
Page Care of the Pool
Page Important Aquatic Plants
Page Rock Garden
Page Selection of Site
Page Care and Maintenance
Page Plants for Rock Garden
Page Roof Garden
Page Advantages
Page Disadvantages
Page Types
Page Suitability of the roof
Page Drainage and Waterproofing
Page Choosing the stretch of the roof
Page Planning the garden
Page Gardening
Page Selection of planting material
Page Terrace Garden
Page Paved Garden
Page Dry wall Garden
Page Marsh or Bog garden
Page Sunken Garden
Page Gardening in the Shade
Page Rose Garden
Page Kitchen Garden
Page Moon Garden
Page Table Garden
Page Dish Garden
Page Terrarium Garden
Page Bottle Garden
Page Vertical Garden
Page References
Topic 16 Page Introduction
Page Digging tools
Page Spade
Page Spading Shovel
Page Forks
Page Tools for intercultural operations
Page Pruning tools
Page Secateur
Page Tree pruner
Page Garden knives
Page Bill hook
Page Pruning saws
Page Garden shears
Page Lawn mower
Page Grass shears
Page Rakes
Page Sowing and planting tools
Page Appliances for watering
Page General garden equipment
Page Sprayers and dusters
Page References