Topic Name Description
Topic 1 Page Introduction
Page Scope And Significnce Of Management
Page Philosophy Of Management
Page Management Is Universal
Page Family Life In The Changing World
Page Quality Of Life
Page Life Styles
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Scope And Significnce Of Management
Page Philosophy Of Management
Page Management Is Universal
Page Family Life In The Changing World
Page Quality Of Life
Page Life Styles
Page References
Topic 2 Page Introduction
Page Need For Management
Page Management In Family Living
Page Characteristics Of Management In Home
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Need For Management
Page Management In Family Living
Page Characteristics Of Management In Home
Page References
Topic 3 Page Introduction
Page Management
Page Values
Page Goals
Page Standards
Page Resources
Page Family
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Management
Page Values
Page Goals
Page Standards
Page Resources
Page Family
Page References
Topic 4 Page Introduction
Page Family Functions
Page Family Life Cycle And Stages
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Family Functions
Page Family Life Cycle And Stages
Page References
Topic 5 Page Introduction
Page Meaning And Defnition Of Home Management
Page Ethics Of Management
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Meaning And Defnition Of Home Management
Page Ethics Of Management
Page References
Topic 6 Page Introduction
Page Conceptual Frame Work Of Management
Page Systems Approach
Page Sub Systems And Interaction With Other Systems
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Conceptual Frame Work Of Management
Page Systems Approach
Page Sub Systems And Interaction With Other Systems
Page References
Topic 7 Page Introduction
Page Family-The Managerial Unit
Page The Environment Surrounding The Family
Page Management And Changes In Environment
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Family-The Managerial Unit
Page The Environment Surrounding The Family
Page Management And Changes In Environment
Page References
Topic 8 Page Introduction
Page Functins Of Manager
Page Positive Home Making
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Functins Of Manager
Page Positive Home Making
Page References
Topic 9 Page Introduction
Page Manager And The Family
Page Roles And Responsibilities Of Home Maker
Page Qualities Of A Home Maker
Page characteristics of a Home maker
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Manager And The Family
Page Roles And Responsibilities Of Home Maker
Page Qualities Of A Home Maker
Page characteristics of a Home maker
Page References
Topic 10 Page Introduction
Page Motivation
Page Need-Wants-Satisfaction Chain
Page The Moslow's Theory Of Hierarchial Needs
Page Factors Of Motivation
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Motivation
Page Need-Wants-Satisfaction Chain
Page The Moslow's Theory Of Hierarchial Needs
Page Factors Of Motivation
Page References
Topic 11 Page Introduction
Page Concept Of Values And Definition
Page Significance Of Values
Page Characteristics Of Values
Page Development Of Family Value Pattern
Page Sources Of Values
Page Classification Of Values
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Concept Of Values And Definition
Page Significance Of Values
Page Characteristics Of Values
Page Development Of Family Value Pattern
Page Sources Of Values
Page Classification Of Values
Page References
Topic 12 Page Introduction
Page Management Of Values In Indian Context
Page Changing Values
Page Value Systems And Value Scales
Page Value Conflict
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Management Of Values In Indian Context
Page Changing Values
Page Value Systems And Value Scales
Page Value Conflict
Page References
Topic 13 Page Introduction
Page Concept And Definition Of Goals
Page Qualities, Characteristics And Classification Of Goals
Page Smart Goal Setting
Page Strategies For Achieving Smart Goals
Page Evidence Of Goals
Page Changing Of Goals
Page Role Of Goals In Family Life
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Concept And Definition Of Goals
Page Qualities, Characteristics And Classification Of Goals
Page Smart Goal Setting
Page Strategies For Achieving Smart Goals
Page Evidence Of Goals
Page Changing Of Goals
Page Role Of Goals In Family Life
Page References
Topic 14 Page Introduction
Page Concept Of Standards & Definitions
Page Classificaion Of Standards
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Concept Of Standards & Definitions
Page Classificaion Of Standards
Page References
Topic 15 Page Introduction
Page Attributes Of Standards
Page Choosing Standards
Page Criterial For Choosing Standards
Page Standard Of living
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Attributes Of Standards
Page Choosing Standards
Page Criterial For Choosing Standards
Page Standard Of living
Page References
Topic 16 Page Introduction
Page Factors Affecting Choice Of Standards
Page Interrelatedness Of Values, Goals And Standards
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Factors Affecting Choice Of Standards
Page Interrelatedness Of Values, Goals And Standards
Page References
Topic 17 Page Introduction
Page Meaning And Importance Of Resources
Page Classification Of Resources
Page Human Resources
Page Non Human Resources
Page Role Of Resources In Management
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Meaning And Importance Of Resources
Page Classification Of Resources
Page Human Resources
Page Non Human Resources
Page Role Of Resources In Management
Page References
Topic 18 Page Introduction
Page Characteristics Of Resources
Page Factors Affecting the Resource Use
Page Guidelines To Increase Satisfaction Through Appropriate Use Of Resources
Page Conservation Of Resources
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Characteristics Of Resources
Page Factors Affecting the Resource Use
Page Guidelines To Increase Satisfaction Through Appropriate Use Of Resources
Page Conservation Of Resources
Page References
Topic 19 Page Introduction
Page Importance And Defnition Of Communication
Page Purpose Of Communication In Family
Page Components Of Communication
Page Types Of Communication
Page Verbal Communication
Page Non verbal Communication
Page Combined Communication
Page References
Page Introduction
Page Importance And Defnition Of Communication
Page Purpose Of Communication In Family
Page Components Of Communication
Page Types Of Communication
Page Verbal Communication
Page Non verbal Communication
Page Combined Communication
Page References
Topic 20 Page Introduction
Page Communication Process
Page Communication Style
Page Communication Between Adults
Page Parent-Child Communication
Page References
Topic 21 Page Introduction
Page Changing Trends
Page Barriers Of Communication
Page Conflict Resolution
Page References
Topic 22 Page Introduction
Page Imoprtance And Scope Of Decision Making
Page Defnitions
Page References
Topic 23 Page Introduction
Page Identifying And Definning The Problem
Page Identifying The Alternative
Page Analyzing The Alternatives
Page Selecting The Alternative
Page Implementing The Decision
Page References
Topic 24 Page Introduction
Page Diesing's Classification Of Decisions
Page Technical Decisions
Page Economic Decisions
Page Social Decision
Page Political Decisions
Page Legal Decisions
Page Classification Based On Decision Makers
Page Individual Decisions
Page Group Decisions
Page Habitual Decisions
Page References
Topic 25 Page Introduction
Page Chains
Page Central Satellite Decisions
Page Decision Tree
Page Hierarchical Decisions
Page References
Topic 26 Page Introduction
Page The Management Process
Page Planning
Page Importance Of Planning
Page Characteristics Of Planning
Page types Of Plan
Page Technique Of Planning
Page Dimension Of Plan
Page References
Topic 27 Page Introduction
Page Importance Of Organizing
Page Characteristics Of Organizing
Page Techniques Of Organizing
Page References
Topic 28 Page Introduction
Page Characteristics Of Implementation
Page Controlling
Page Characteristics Of Controlling
Page Benefits Of Controlling
Page Techniques Of Controlling
Page Process Of controlling
Page References
Topic 29 Page Introduction
Page Purpose Of Evaluation
Page Methods Of Evaluation
Page Management Process Applied To Home Making Activities
Page References
Topic 30 Page Introduction
Page Time Management
Page Time Demands In Stages Of Family Life Cycle
Page Pattern Of Time Use And Time Norms
Page References
Topic 31 Page Introduction
Page Tools Of Time Management
Page Time Plan And Steps In Making The Plan
Page References
Topic 32 Page Introduction
Page Time schedules
Page Factors Influencing on Time Use
Page References
Topic 33 Page Introduction
Page Functions Of Money
Page Goals And Money Management
Page Financial Success And Management
Page Family Income
Page Types Of Family Income
Page References
Topic 34 Page Introduction
Page Defining Success In Terms Of Life Style
Page Timing Goals and Establishing Priorities
Page Estimating The Cost Of The Goals
Page Analyzing The Financial Resources
Page Income Profiles In The Family
Page Methods Of Handling Money Income
Page Management Of Family Income
Page Formulating A Plan Of Action
Page References
Topic 35 Page Introduction
Page Definitions
Page Classification Of Family Income
Page Money Income
Page Real Income
Page Psychic Income
Page Total Income
Page Classification Of Family Income By Betty Stevenson
Page References
Topic 36 Page Introduction
Page Significance Of Budget
Page Realistic Budget
Page Flexibility
Page Workability
Page Need For Budgeting
Page Limitaions Of Budget
Page References
Topic 37 Page Introduction
Page Steps In Making Budget
Page Implementing The Budget Or Financial Plan
Page Facilitating
Page Coordinating
Page Checking
Page Adjusting
Page References
Topic 38 Page Introduction
Page Controlling The Use Of Income
Page Mental And Mechanical Checks To Spending
Page Record keeping
Page Advantages Of Budgeting
Page Limitations Of Budget
Page References
Topic 39 Page Introduction
Page Energy In Different Stages Of Family Life Cycle
Page Energy Costs Of Households And Occupational Activities
Page Efforts Used In Home Making Activities
Page Ways Of Controlling Energy Expenditure
Page References
Topic 40 Page Introduction
Page Principles Of Body Mechanics
Page Keeping Body Parts In Alignment
Page Using Muscles Effectively
Page Rhythm In Movement
Page Considering Centre Of Gravity Of the Body
Page Taking Advantage Of Momentum
Page posture
Page Body Forces
Page References
Topic 41 Page Introduction
Page Forms Of Fatigue
Page Physiological Fatigue
Page Psychological Fatigue
Page Boredom Fatigue
Page Frustration Fatigue
Page Causes Of Fatigue
Page Worker Domain
Page Work Domain
Page Work Place/Environment Domain
Page References
Topic 42 Page Introduction
Page Methods Of Relieving Fatigue
Page Rest Periods
Page Change Of Tasks
Page Putting Interest Into The Job
Page An Analytical Approach To A Job
Page Having Proper Work Place And Proper Equipment
Page Appreciation Of The Work
Page Giving Incentive To The Worker
Page Stress And Its Management
Page References
Topic 43 Page Introduction
Page Managing Home Related Activities
Page The Worker
Page The work
Page References
Topic 44 Page Introduction
Page Functional Design Of Work Place
Page Work Surface
Page Storage
Page Principles Of Storage
Page Guidelines For Better Storage
Page References
Topic 45 Page Introduction
Page Planning Energy Use
Page Controlling The Energy Plan
Page Evaluating The Energy Used
Page References
Topic 46 Page Introduction
Page Definition
Page Importance
Page Motion Mindedness
Page References
Topic 47 Page Introduction
Page Techniques Of Work Simplification
Page Pathway Chart
Page Process Chart
Page Operation Chart
Page Micro-Motion Films Analysis
Page Arm Chair Method
Page References
Topic 48 Page Introduction
Page Class 1: Changes In Hand And Body Motion
Page Class 2: Change In Equipment and Work Arrangement
Page Class 3: Change In Production Sequence
Page Class 4: Change In Finished Product
Page Class 5: Change In Raw Material
Page References