Course overview |
Syllabus |
Table of contents |
Topic 1 |
Learning objectives |
Introduction |
Vertebrate aquatic animals |
Aquatic Mammals |
Invertebrate aquatic animals |
Aquatic animal ecology |
Contribution of fisheries to national economy |
Topic 2 |
Learning objectives |
Introduction |
Method of application of animal manure |
Integerated Aquaculture |
Livestock-fish culture |
Agriculture – Fish culture integration |
Fish - Pig integrated farming |
The nitrogen cycle |
Topic 3 |
Learning objectives |
Important marine fishes |
Important freshwater fishes |
Methods of fish seed collection |
Topic 4 |
Learning objectives |
Introduction |
Brood stock rearing for induced breeding |
Selection of breeders |
Induced breeding of fishes |
Hatching of fertilized eggs |
Hatchery systems for Indian and Chinese carps |
Modern Indian Hatchery |
Chinese Hatchery |
Care of hatchlings |
Post larvae/ Fry rearing |
Breeding of ornamental fishes |
Breeding of egg layers |
Gold fish |
Zebra fish |
Siamese fighter |
Blue Gourami |
Koi carp |
Angel fish |
Breeding of live bearing ornamental fishes |
Guppy |
Platy |
Requirements for spawning of fishes |
Care of egg and hatchlings |
Topic 5 |
Learning objectives |
Multilevel Integrated Aquaculture |
Topic 6 |
Learning objectives |
Popular varieties of ornamental fishes |
Gold fish (Carassius auratus) |
Koi carp (Cyprinus carpio) |
Siamese Fighter Fish (Betta splendens) |
Gourami (Trichogaster sp) |
Tetra (Hemigrammus callistus) |
Zebra fish (Danio rerio) |
Angel fish (Pterophyllum scalare) |
Discus (Symphysodon discus) |
Barbs (Puntius conchonius) |
Molly (Mollinesia sp) |
Guppy (Poecilia reliculata) |
Platy (Xiphophorus Sp) |
Setting up an Aquarium tank |
Setting up of an biological filter and aeration |
Planting |
Lighting |
Ornamental plants used in aquariums |
Lace plant, Amazon sword and Hornwort plant |
Hydrilla, Water sprite and Indian fern |
Needle grass, Hygrophila and Lance leaf plants |
Ambulia, Milfoil and Ottelia |
Arrow weed, Ribbon grass |
Some important water plants and their uses in different ornamental fish species |
Care and maintenance of ornamental fishes |
Topic 7 |
Learning objectives |
Introduction |
Feeding of Aquatic Animals |
Types of Aquaculture Feeds |
Preparation of feed for fishes |
Topic 8 |
Learning objectives |
Pond and nursery manangement |
Nursery pond preparation |
Stocking of nursery ponds with spawn |
Feeding |
Harvesting of fry |
Fry rearing |
Topic 9 |
Learning objectives |
Fish population |
Population Structure: Year - Classes |
Direct or actual count method of estimation of population |
Indirect methods of estimation |
Fluctuation in population abundance |
Population dynamics and fishery catches |
Indicators of fluctuation populations |
Topic 10 |
Learning objective |
Introduction |
Harvesting methods |
General Guidelines to be followed in harvesting of fishes |
Introduction |
Icing of fish |
Freezing of fish |
Irradiation preservation of fish |
Canning preservation of fish |
Curing of fish |
Introduction |
Fish Inspection |
Usual defects in sea foods |
Inplant Inspection |
Utilization of fish in animal feed |
Topic 11 |
Learning objectives |
Introduction |
Term used in Anatomy |
Oral Region and Associated Structure (Non tubular Parts of Alimentary Canal) |
Mouth |
Jaw |
Teeth |
Lips |
Buccopharynx |
Gill Rakers |
Taste buds and Mucus secreting cells |
Oesophagus |
Stomach |
Intestine |
Rectum and Anus and Cloaca |
Liver |
Gall bladder, pancreas and spleen |
Blood - Introduction |
Cardiovascular system |
Arterial systems |
Venous system |
Nervous system - Introduction |
Brain |
Mid brain |
Hind Brain |
Body cavity |
Alimentary canal |
Digestive gland |
Digestive physiology of fishes |
Digestion of protein, carbohydrate and fat |
Respiratory physiology |
Reproductive physiology of fish |
Immunology of fishes |
Non- specifc immune mechanism |
Specific immune mechanism |
Comparison of the immune systems of fish and mammals |
Immunity of Crustaceans |
Humoral immunity |
Cell mediated immunity |
Immunity of Molluscs |
Topic 12 |
Learning objectives |
International Standards |
OIE listed aquatic animal diseases |
OIE weblink |
Topic 13 |
Learning objectives |
Introduction |
Bacterial diseases |
Viral diseases |
Fungal diseases |
Parasitic diseases |
Protozoan parasitic disease |
Treatment of fish diseases |
Topic 14 |
Learning objectives |
Protein Deficiency signs in fishes |
Lipid deficiency signs in fishes |
Mineral deficiency signs in fishes |
Vitamin deficiency signs in fishes |
Aminoacid toxicity signs in fishes |
Lipid toxicity signs in fishes |
Mineral Toxicity signs in fishes |
Vitamin toxicity signs in fishes |
Topic 15 |
Learning objectives |
Introduction |
Environmental Hypoxia |
Temperature stress |
Temperature stratification |
Ammonia poisoning |
Nitrite poisoning |
Too low (too acidic) pH |
Too High (too alkaline) pH |
Improper Hardness |
Improper Salinity |
Topic 16 |
Learning objectives |
Neoplasia of Teleosts |
Neoplasia (Tumors) |
Topic 17 |
Learning objectives |
Vaccines |
Types of vaccines |
Advantages of vaccination |
Vaccination methods in fishes |
Topic 19 |
Identification of culturable freshwater fishes |
Catla |
Labeo rohita (Rohu) |
Cirrhina mrigala (Mrigal) |
Exotic (Chinese)carps |
Catfishes |
Murrels or Snake heads |
Tilapia |
Freshwater prawn |
Topic 20 |
Identification of culturable marine fishes |
Topic 21 |
Techniques to study age and growth of fishes |
Estimation of age based on Otoliths |
Estimating growth by length-frequency analysis |
Topic 22 |
Composite fish culture techniques |
Topic 23 |
Management of artificial diets |
Moist feed |
Preparation of pelleted fish feeds |
Feeding rate |
Feeding methods |
Topic 24 |
Induced breeding in Carps (Freshwater fishes) |
Collection and preservation of pituitary gland for induced breeding |
Preparation of pituitary extract and injection |
Selection of breeders |
Dosage of pituitary injection |
Breeding |
Induced Breeding in Lates calcarifer (Marine fish ) |
Reproduction in Wild Marine shrimps |
Role of Eye stalk in the Reproduction of Marine Shrimp |
Methods of Eye Stalk Ablation |
Hypophysation |
Topic 25 |
Introduction |
Physical Parameters |
Chemical parameters-pH |
Chemical parameters - Salinity |
Chemical parameters - Dissolved Oxygen (DO) |
Chemical parameters - Hardness |
Chemical parameters- Alkalinity |
Chemical parameters- Nitrite |
Chemical parameter-Ammonia |
Topic 26 |
Introduction |
Collection and preservation of phytoplankton for qualitative and quantitative studies |
Quantitative analysis of phyto and Zooplankton |
Qualitative analysis of phyto and zooplankton |
Topic 27 |
Introduction |
Nets |
Beach Seine |
Purse Seine |
Trawls |
Gill Net |
Simple Gill Net |
Trammel net |
Dip Net |
Casting net |
Blanket net |
Hook and Line Gear |
Topic 28 |
Fishing crafts |
Fishing vessel |
Indian boats types |
Topic 29 |
Management of a typical fish farm |
Topic 30 |
Normal anatomy of fin fish |
Normal histology of various organs of finfish |
Topic 31 |
Normal anatomy of shellfish (Shrimp) |
Normal histology of various organs of shell fish (shrimp) |
Normal histology of various organs of shell fish (crab) |
Normal histology of various organs of shell fish (mollusks) |
Topic 32 |
Diagnosis of fish diseases |
Topic 33 |
Introduction |
Erythrocytes |
Leucocytes |
Granulocytes |
Lymphocytes |
Monocytes |
Thrombocytes |
Collection of blood |
Hematological Techniques |
Topic 34 |
Introduction |
Preparation of Histopathological Sections of fish Tissue |
Histopathological changes caused due to bacterial pathogens in fishes |
Histopathological changes caused due to viral pathogens in fishes |
Histopathological changes in the pancreas of fish infected with Infectious pancreatic virus |
Histopathological changes reported in various organs of fish due to parasitic infestations |
Histopathological changes caused due to viral pathogens in shrimp |
Histopathological changes caused due to bacterial pathogens in shrimp |
Topic 35 |
Presentation |
Topic 36 |
Question bank |
Reference |
Suggested reading |
Acknowledgement |